Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Before I ask someone out on a date, I will ascertain that they *know* I am asking them out on a date. Granted, this will make it far more difficult for me to actually find someone to date, but I will not find myself kicking myself for giving movie and theatre comps to people who:

1) have found a boyfriend since two weeks ago when you checked if they were single;

2) think they're way out of your league ("You asked me out? You're so brave!!!")

3) cancel three hours before we're supposed to meet up because they happen to have too much homework; and despite prompting do not reschedule.

And this is leaving out all those guys who seemed okay after a first date, but then always say they're too busy for a second.

The truth is, I really am fan-fucking-tastically lonely. There are people who're attracted to me, but I'm usually not attracted to them. And thus far I have not had one single real relationship. My only ex from three years ago declared that he had only time for an open relationship and insisted that IMing was as good as actual dating.

My friends have been giving me counselling. They say I make things more difficult for myself by being strange, but of course I shouldn't be anyone other than myself. And of course there's the big problem of my being attracted mostly to younger men.

Things reached a fever pitch during the weekend. Loneliness isn't poison; it's starvation, and during fasts you experience hallucinations. Hypodermic chocolate. Origami in the mouth. White rice quicksand. This wasn't helped by the fact that Umbu and Ligerinho had just come back to capoeira class, and no matter how chill they are, it's still very difficult to interact casually with handsome men.

As the roda played and Baiana played the pandeiro, the senses inside me flooded and became one with the ax'e. I beat the atabaque. I compraed. I aued. I gingaed. Queixada. Armada. Parafuso. Meia lua de frente. Meia lua de compaso. Negativa. Role.

It stops hurting when I fight. Esquiva. Cocorinha. Encrucihada. And I don't even fight that well.

I'm actually not as depressed as I sound right now, but I do need introductions.


Michelle said...

Oh, honey. I'm aware of the "not as depressed as you sound" bit in the last sentence but still... :(

Unfortunately, I haven't got any helpful advice to offer. I'd suggest you try to meet and seduce David Sedaris since I think you could be perfect for each other, but I suppose that's not very realistic.

Anonymous said...

I have found the best way to attract good things into our lives, is simply to be happy in our current states. From my experience, unhappy and single people tend to become unhappy even after getting attached. The solution to loneliness has always been an internal one. :)

Ng Yi-Sheng said...

Thanks for the advice and sympathy. :) Yeah, I do the whole cry for help thing sometimes.

Anonymous said...

1st. Never mind the third person, you are the better choice and are going to prove it.
2nd. Look for your love outside your prefferred body-type. Who he/she is will prove the key factor for a happy relationship, not HOW he/she looks. Probably someone is allready in love with you and just waiting for you to notice him/her.
3rd. Don't expect to find anyone just like you, because you're unique.


Ng Yi-Sheng said...

Re: looking for guys outside my preferred body type (actually his body's fine, it's his face which is just a leetle bit weird). I have actually noticed one, and I think he's hitting on me. It's just that... I don't know. It feels like if I want to make compromises about who I'm attracted to, I might as well date girls, right?

Seriously, I don't know. I'd have a content domestic life, but I'd be closing my eyes when I have sex with him, imagining him having someone else's face. Should I settle for that?

Michelle said...

You can't make compromises about who you're repulsed by, but surely there are plenty of people who you may perhaps start off feeling neutral about, and then as you get to know their personalities better you might feel more attracted to them?

Unknown said...

Chin Up, ole chap.

Like they say, when you least expect it, it happens :)

I know, it happened to me :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto with what Michelle said. Most of the people I've liked have taken a year or more to grow on me... like fungus. And then you slap yourself for not seeing the obvious earlier.

Hang in there and enjoy grooving on your own for a while -- that's the only way you'll make a good dance partner. And maybe in a few weeks? months? you'll be slapping yourself too. ;)