Saturday, May 03, 2008

Keronchong for Keronchong for Pak Bakar

Hey, I figured I'd put up a link to my Flickr set of shots from Keronchong for Pak Bakar, a documentary directed by Abdul Nizam Hamid about the award-winning cinematographer of the P. Ramlee movies in the Golden Age of Singapore cinema, now working as a gardener and living in a tiny HDB flat.

I especially like how this shot contrasts the two styles of filmmaking. Clear classic aesthetics versus postmodern blur.


Anonymous said...

Hi.. I refer to 17 raid by the police.. Were all guy bought back to police station for statement?

Ng Yi-Sheng said...

Definitely not all of them were. From what I've read, it's possible that none of them were (except the owner).