Saturday, December 23, 2006

Technical difficulties

About a month ago, my digital camera suddenly started malfunctioning. As you can see, everything suddenly became bathed in a lavender wash:

At the Books Actually 1st anniversary party.

In the MRT.


I was going to spend megabucks on camera repairs, but the glitch has suddenly fixed itself. For how long, who knows?

Btw, the reason I needed to fix the machine was because I'm leaving the country briefly... details forthcoming.


Mezzo said...

I was going to say that our government is religiously influenced - just not overtly.

I used to follow American politics fairly closely, which is why I share some of your views. I would say though, that the biggest problem I have with the government right now is the lack of a self-correcting mechanism that a two-party system has. (faulty though it often is)

Ng Yi-Sheng said...

Or an independent fuckin' judiciary system, goddammit. Far Eastern Economic Review, I love you.